Tuesday, March 30, 2010


We had the opportunity during spring break to visit my ol' mission stomping grounds when we attended the wedding there of one of Chris's friends! It was sunny for most of the time we were there. Then, on the last day it began to snow! I've always wanted to see Nauvoo in the white coat of snow that may have been like the snow which covered the ground there when the early latter-day saints left their beautiful homes. I couldn't even get out of the car... I wouldn't have survived that bitter cold day when the saints began their long treck west.


Sarah McK said...

Good old Nauvoo! We have lived in St Louis for three years now and still haven't made it to Nauvoo yet. We gotta get on that....

Amy said...

looks so cold!

Gardners said...

I'm so glad you commented - cute blog! I cannot believe that Hyrum is that big!! I guess it has been longer than I realized! We love being in the east valley again and are having a blast with our new baby and house! Keep in touch!