Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Disneyland Race

Hyrum ran his first race in Disneyland! His favorite part was seeing the characters at the end... he picked off several flower pedals and gave them to Mickey Mouse! He was determined not to leave Mickey's side until the security guards escorted us away:)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Hope for the Children Event with Brooke White

Families for Orphans put on a contest where Brooke White and several other qualified judges chose two singers to be Ambassadors of Hope for the Children. I made it to the final five in my age group singing "The Greatest Love of All." This event benefited orphans and children in crisis in Arizona and around the world! Check out the Families for Orphans website to see how you can help orphans... it's easier than you think! I'm going to do the "7 Days of Nothing" where I'll be giving up things I don't need for 7 days and using the money to help orphans. Check it out on the website!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


We had the opportunity during spring break to visit my ol' mission stomping grounds when we attended the wedding there of one of Chris's friends! It was sunny for most of the time we were there. Then, on the last day it began to snow! I've always wanted to see Nauvoo in the white coat of snow that may have been like the snow which covered the ground there when the early latter-day saints left their beautiful homes. I couldn't even get out of the car... I wouldn't have survived that bitter cold day when the saints began their long treck west.

Signing for babies and toddlers

Last month I began teaching a signing class at my house for caregivers and babies/toddlers to learn signs to help build vocabulary and communicate better. It has helped Hyrum so much! His vocabulary is growing and he has learned how to speak better because of it. Signing with babies and toddlers is said to totally get rid of the TERRIBLE TWOS! So far, I believe it! Everyone is welcome to join us on Monday mornings at 10am. Let me know if you are interested! Learning sign language for babies and toddlers is as easy as getting on-line and typing in ASLpro.com. They have a specific link for baby signs which are the basic words you need to communicate with your baby/toddler.