I know what you're thinking... no way, he's way too innocent! Yes he is innocent, but also mischievous!!! When we leave the room for a second, we come back to find him on top of the computer table with the mouse on his head, or playing in the dog's bowl of water and eating her food! To top it all off, when we tell him the doggy food is yucky, he laughs and puts more in his mouth!!! All we can do is laugh because he is just so darn cute no matter what he does! I am struggling about what to do when he bites me, however! I give him a stern face and a scolding "NO" and show him in sign language that it hurts... but he just giggles and tries to bite me again! We even do a 1-min. time-out and that doesn't work either. He doesn't bite Chris much because Chris just ignores the negative behavior. I have a hard time ignoring it because I'm a big baby and can't ignore pain, plus when he starts biting others, they certainly won't ignore the biting! I don't know what to do and am open to suggestions!!!
Sounds like you are doing great with him. I've found with my own mischief maker that consistency has been the key. It eventually wins out although it is not always the fastest. Good luck with the biting. I missed out on that, but have a great hitter. Now that he is older his toys go to time out when he hits me and it works really well. What a cutie you got there:)
My brother was a biter and the pediatrician told my Mom to bite him back. You can bite him gently but hard enough to let him know what it feels like. He doesn't grasp the concept yet that he is hurting you. He thinks that it is a game. He is a doll and I am sure that it is hard to resist that smile. :)
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