Hyrum is picking up on the sign language I've been teaching him and attempts to say the words also! We're trying to teach him to fold his arms when we pray and say "Amen" at the end. I always wondered when a good time would be to teach a child to pray. I realized that a child is never too young to start understanding the pattern of prayer and understanding the importance of it as it is done regularly in the home. A few days ago Hyrum folded his arms for the first time during our prayer! We try to make it quick for his attention span- he's only 13 months old after all:) I'm pretty sure at the end of the prayer I could make out the word AMEN from his sweet little lips! Oh what a joy!
Yay, Lee-see! I didn't know you had a blog! I have one too but I'm a terrible blogger!
What a joy indeed! MIss you!
Its official you guys are amazing and hilarious! I love your comment on my blog! By the way your blog looks so cute! Love it! How are you? What have you been up too?!!
I love your blog its so cute! How are you? By the way I love your comment on my blog you guys are amazing for doing that thank you again!!!
Yay you got a blog!!! We definately need to have you guys over for a game night to play hand and foot!
It is so fun to have them help with prayers. It is the best feeling ever when they actually say their first prayer. It's amazing! I am so excited you have a blog. We just started one a month ago. Ours is http://themanningmayhem.blogspot.com. It is fun to see your cute family pictures!
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